Acne Treatment The Real Secret To Quickly Heal Your Acne

Read An Opinion On: Hidradenitis Suppurativa Specialist Los Angeles Submitted by: Kaushik Mohanty
Acne is an all too common skin condition, and in some cases the chemicals used to treat it can further damage the skin. Here are some tips that will help you heal your acne:
No scrubbing or rubbing.You can’t scrub your acne away. In fact abrasive or frequent washing can lead to dry skin and irRead More…

6 Amazing Healthy Skin Foods

Read An Opinion On: How To Treat Hidradenitis Suppurativa Submitted by: Nicholas Jarder
You are what you eat and this can be so true when such foods clearly affect your skin. There are certain foods that greatly affect how your skin looks – many for the bad and many more, for the better. Here are some of them:
Green Tea
Green tea has a lot of benefits for our body down to the cellular levRead More…